They know…
The ambassador: But be careful. It was very well set up.
A young, provocative drunkard. Then the other one, the one who attacked you.
Then ...
The ambassador: But be careful. It was very well set up.
A young, provocative drunkard. Then the other one, the one who attacked you.
Then ...
"When she told her French friends about it, they were amazed. "You mean you don't want to fight the occupation of your country?" She would have liked to tell them that behind Communism, Fascism, behind all occupations and invasions lurks a more basic, pervasive evil and that the image of that evil was a parade of people marching by with raised fists and shouting identical syllables in unison. But she ...
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pete says,
thank you very much this was very helpfulH M Yamada says,
There is something dire, dangerous and mysteriously compelling about these ...
Robert Horvitz says,
Belated thanks for citing my work! I have a newer ...
article/about says,
Berber as well as Arab nomads took their caravans of ...
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Sometimes when I create something beautiful I feel like someone ...