Whenever I close my eyes I see forms of circles coming to life…

By snurfson / Posted on 11 January 2011

Whenever I close my eyes I see forms of circles coming to life. It sort of feels like an emotional intensity throughout that circles are a primary shape that emancipates all my life. Technically fixating to abstract expressionism as the most challenging art to understand with its emphasis on spontaneous, automatic or subconscious creation, drawing my primary medium through that takes over like a web and my thought-forms slowly becoming even more elusive in what the circle form should signify.

Searching for other visual artists with the preoccupation of shape forms, I came upon Robert Horvitz’s two drawings: Personal Domain of Freedom and Ecstasy No. 2 & 3.

Robert Horvitz explains…
Since 1970, all of my drawings have been made with just one kind of mark. I put the pen on the paper and flick it. The split-second acceleration of the penpoint attenuates the flow of ink so that the mark tapers, then breaks into tiny skips, and then disappears completely. This leaves a straight comet-shaped track about 1-2 cm long. No two marks are exactly the same, but their diversity is strictly limited. Most of my drawings contain thousands of marks.

Personal Domain of Freedom and Ecstasy No. 3

Writings in his statement from 1977:
I never make preliminary sketches. Instead, I work out systems of constraint that govern the evolution of the drawing without eliminating free choice. (A fully constrained drawing, where the outcome is determined in advance, would not be worth executing.) By systematically limiting my options, I can create specific ranges and types of freedom. The visual consequences are often unexpected.
There is no uniquely prescribed course of action. At every moment it is possible to imagine the drawing extending into a variety of futures. My decision to follow any one course closes off many others of equal interest and validity. Conflict and mediation. Some process of selection is called for that does not reduce to rules.

Personal Domain of Freedom and Ecstasy No. 2

Details of drawings
Personal Domain of Freedom and Ecstasy No. 3, 1973
pen and ink on paper, 20” x 20”

Personal Domain of Freedom and Ecstasy No. 2, 1973
pen and ink on paper, 20” x 20”







There are 2 Comments about this post

  1. Paul says,

    Oh my god I’ve had this since I can remember, they are circles that form in the depths of the blackness when you close your eyes,,,,wow! Well I can actually control them I can make it seem as if I’m going forward or backwards in a tunnel, sometimes well most times when I’m going forward multiple holes open and my steering is a little slow,, but I can pick which circle I want to go in. Oh I also get deep enough and then the circles stop and faces of people I know,and a lot of faces i don’t have a clue… I’ve been seeing this forever….


    on 07 June 2013 / 9:00 PM

  2. Robert Horvitz says,

    Belated thanks for citing my work! I have a newer website that you might find interesting: http://horvitz.multiplace.org


    on 06 October 2020 / 11:53 AM


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